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  • Terms & Conditions | Bptc

    Terms & Conditions of Carriage Definitions Within these Conditions of Carriage, the following words shall be defined to mean: “Bahrain Public Transport Company” (BPTC), “Bahrain Bus” or “The Operator” shall refer to the services offered by the company under contract to the Ministry of Transportation & Telecommunications, within the Kingdom of Bahrain. “Child(ren)” or “Minor” shall be those young people under the age of 16. “Senior Citizen” shall be a citizen of the Kingdom of Bahrain holding an Elderly Card issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Development, eligible to purchase a personalised Go-Card and entitled to reduced bus fares. “Citizens with a Disability” shall be a citizen of the Kingdom of Bahrain holding a Disability Card issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Development or a CPR Smart Card confirming disability entitlement. “Bus” or “Vehicle” shall refer to any vehicle operated by BPTC for the purpose of carrying passengers. “Journey” shall refer to any single journey between two geographic points that a passenger is entitled to make, for which they have made sufficient payment to cover the whole of the journey. “Luggage” shall mean any property of a passenger that they take with them to a terminal or when travelling on a bus. “Service” shall mean any defined journey, as set out in a timetable, provided by BPTC for the purpose of carrying passengers. “Ticket” shall refer to any paper-based or electronic system of recording payments made by a passenger used for the purpose of recording what payments have been made towards making a journey. Conditions of carriage The Company always tries to run reliably and expects to maintain the services which it is registered or contracted to operate. We will use our best endeavours to do so, but sometimes buses cannot be run at the times or frequencies advertised. The published running times for any individual service can be affected by events outside of our control such as road works, traffic incidents, unforeseen congestion etc. but we will use reasonable endeavours to minimise any disruption to your journey. In the event that our services are delayed or cancelled we will endeavour to notify you of the delay and any alternative timetable as soon as reasonably practicable. The Company reserves the following rights; for operational or any other reasonable cause including, but not limited to, traffic conditions, adverse weather, or passenger numbers: To alter, suspend or withdraw any vehicle without notice and To alter the route, bus stops or times as advertised on any timetable, ticket, notice or other advertisement without notice Accordingly, the Company will not be liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising from the suspension, cancellation or alteration of its services. Neither will it be liable for the failing of any vehicle operating any service to start or finish its journey at the times appearing in the timetable, nor from any delay (whether caused by breakdown, deviation from advertised route or other reasonable cause) in the operation of any service. The Contract of Carriage between the Company and a customer is limited to journeys on the Company’s vehicles. Whenever the Company (except in the case of the breakdown of a Company vehicle) makes arrangements for customers to be conveyed on any other form of transport, the Company does so as agent only. These conditions and regulations will not affect customers’ statutory rights. The Company may alter these conditions at any time without notice if required by law or commercial trading regulations. You must allow plenty of time for a service to arrive in time to connect with any of our other services. We recommend that you allow at least the minimum connection time of 5 minutes or as otherwise specified in our published timetable. If you fail to do so we cannot guarantee any connections and will not be responsible for any additional costs. You must allow plenty of time for a service to arrive in time to connect with other forms of transport provided by other carriers on which you are planning to travel. Where such other form of transport involves air travel we recommend you allow at least 180 minutes between the scheduled bus arrival time and your flight departure time. Seat availability and standing conditions We want as many people as possible to be able to use our buses in safety and comfort. All our buses have a fixed seating capacity, a maximum capacity for standing passengers and a dedicated wheelchair space. Some buses also have an additional space for pushchairs. The capacity for seated and standing passengers is clearly shown within each vehicle. The driver is not permitted to exceed this capacity and may therefore ask passengers to leave the vehicle if the capacity is exceeded. When a bus is full the driver will clearly display a ‘bus full’ sign within the forward, side and rear destination display boards. This will allow the driver to continue to operate the service and clearly indicate to waiting passengers that the bus is full and cannot stop until passengers are ready to alight. To aid space within each vehicle passengers with pushchairs, luggage or shopping are requested to ensure that they do not obstruct the vehicle gangway Standing customers and those who are boarding or waiting to alight are requested to hold onto handrails and stand in the designated standing areas not forward of the driving position. Each vehicle has allocated seating for women and families towards the front of the vehicle. This seating area is clearly marked with notices and segregation panels. Passengers who do not fall within the valid categories for travel within this area are requested to use alternative seating. Passengers who are asked by a member of the Operator’s staff to move from any conditional seating area must do so immediately. On road operating conditions Drivers will only observe formal bus stops, interchange locations and bus terminals for boarding and alighting passengers Bus doors will remain closed at all times except at designated boarding and alighting locations. Conditions of carriage – the passenger Large passenger-carrying vehicles are intended to convey persons or groups of persons between specified points. Each person, or passenger, has the right to expect that their journey will be conducted safely and in reasonable comfort. To ensure this can be achieved it is necessary to establish some common rules governing passengers’ behaviour and how the service should be used. No passenger should behave in any way, carry with them or have about their person any item or present themselves in any condition which could kill, injure, soil, cause offence, interfere or otherwise impair the safety or comfort of any other person, operator or passenger whilst preparing for, during or after completion of their journey or whist they are on the vehicle. Therefore, in order to ensure that your journey, as well as that of other customers, is a safe and enjoyable one, we would ask you to note the following general points; It is your obligation to ensure you have a valid ticket at all times for the journey you intend to take Please ensure that you are on the correct bus and that you alight at the right bus stop Please always check your ticket at the time it is issued and inform the driver of any errors at that time Please retain that ticket throughout the journey you intend to take Please produce that ticket for inspection upon request by any driver or inspector If you have any queries about your journey please contact our Customer Care department (details below) or ask your driver Safety conditions Our highest priority is to ensure that all our passengers are carried safely. To help us achieve this it is essential that you always follow any instructions given by drivers or inspectors, and observe safety notices in vehicles. To ensure we operate all our services safely passengers will not; Put at risk, unreasonably impede, or cause discomfort to other customers, the driver or an inspector Throw or trail any item from the vehicle Speak to the driver when the vehicle is moving unless in an emergency or on grounds of safety or to give directions as to the stopping of the vehicle Distract the driver’s attention, without reasonable cause, or obstruct his vision Intentionally interfere with any equipment with which the vehicle is fitted Carry any article or substance which constitutes a risk of injury to the driver or other customer, or a risk of damage to the vehicle or other customers’ property Smoke or carry lighted tobacco or other substances, or light a match or cigarette lighter on the vehicle (this includes electronic cigarettes) Use emergency doors or windows other than in the event of an emergency or when directed to by a driver or inspector Use roller skates, roller blades, scooters or skateboards on the vehicle Lean out of the windows Stand in parts of the vehicle where standing is prohibited In the interests of safety passengers will be required to leave a bus, interchange location or bus terminal at any time as directed by the Operator or their agents. Passengers are required to remain vigilant at all times with regard to the safety and security of themselves and other passengers. If any passenger sees any suspicious activity by others or any unattended packages they should; Immediately move away from the person / package Contact the driver, other operator representative, or the police immediately Call the emergency services and provide an accurate description of the incident All of our buses, terminals and depot premises are fitted with CCTV. This is done to ensure that evidence of any act of violence or other inappropriate behaviour or of theft or criminal damage can be passed to the police and the authorities. We will always use all means to secure prosecution of anyone who commits a violent or criminal act on our buses, in our terminals or at our depot(s). Passenger conduct conditions Travelling on a bus means sharing the space with other people. Passengers must therefore do nothing which endangers or causes discomfort or offence to any other person on the bus. Specifically, passengers must not; Smoke or use an electronic cigarette on any part of the vehicle. You may be prosecuted for doing so and will face a fine of up to BD 500. Consume any alcohol Consume any food or drink on the vehicle which could make the environment unpleasant for other customers or otherwise cause offence Carry any food stuffs which have a strong smell or aroma, such as fish, meat, hot spicy food etc. Except with the permission of the Operator, distribute any paper or other article for the purpose of giving or obtaining information or views from other passengers Sell or offer for sale any article while travelling on the Operators vehicle or whilst using a network bus stop, interchange location or bus terminal, except with explicit permission Play or operate any musical instrument or sound reproducing equipment in a manner which could cause annoyance to the driver or other customers A Company driver or inspector has the authority to direct passengers to leave the vehicle on the following grounds; If their remaining would result in the number of passengers exceeding the maximum seating or standing capacity If their condition or behaviour is such as would be likely to cause offence to a reasonable passenger or the condition of their clothing could soil the fittings of the vehicle or the clothing of other passengers The driver or inspector can direct a passenger to put in a designated place or remove from the vehicle any of the following; A bulky or cumbersome article An article or substance which causes or is likely to cause annoyance to any person on the vehicle An article or substance which could cause injury or damage Passengers are requested to discard all litter in the bins or remove it from the vehicle and should dispose of any chewing gum outside of the vehicle. Any passenger found causing damage or applying graffiti to the vehicle will be liable for prosecution. A parent or passenger accompanied by a minor(s) or others in their charge shall be held legally responsible for their charge’s behaviour and compliance with the general terms of the Conditions of Carriage with respect to those in their charge. Intending passengers who, in the opinion of the driver or other company officer, appear likely to behave in an antisocial manner may not be allowed to travel. Passengers must occupy only the space/seats designated for the carriage of passengers and must immediately upon demand vacate seats or spaces designated for particular groups e.g. Families or Wheelchair users. Carriage of groups of people over the number of 10 (ten) persons is not permitted and our drivers will instruct the group members to arrange themselves into smaller groups and use an alternative service vehicle. Members of our staff have the right to work without fear of intimidation, verbal abuse or physical assault, and we will prosecute any person who does not adhere to this. If you are in breach of these and other statutory regulations you will be obliged to give your name and address to a company officer or may be restrained or removed from the bus or our premises by a company officer or a police officer and refused further travel without refund. We reserve the right to take any other measures we consider necessary to protect the safety and comfort of our passengers and staff including temporarily or permanently banning you from travelling with us following an incident of misconduct. Buses and premises may be fitted with audio CCTV to provide added security for our passengers and staff. The video and sound recordings will be used solely for the monitoring of safety, security, service quality and in support of relevant criminal and civil legal proceedings and complaint investigation. Images of you may be provided to the police, or the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications or any other enforcement agency at their reasonable request. Whilst we will do everything we reasonably can to control conduct of other passengers, we cannot be held responsible for their conduct. Bus stops, interchange locations and terminals – access conditions In most areas buses will allow passengers to board and alight at any marked bus stop. Within central Manama, interchange locations or bus terminals certain stops will be allocated to specific services. At marked bus stops outside of interchange location and bus terminals passengers must signal their intention to board or alight using the relevant method or equipment and must do so only via the door(s) designated for the purpose. For safety reasons customers are warned not to board or alight when the vehicle is in motion or held up in traffic or stationary at traffic lights. Passengers should only board or alight when the vehicle has stopped at a recognised stopping place and must not ask to alight at an unauthorised stopping place. You must not attempt to board a bus once it has left its designated stand in any bus terminal. When you come to alight, you should ring the passenger stop request bell once in good time to alert the driver. Passengers must not alight from the bus until it has come to a complete stop and must not request the driver to open the exit doors until the designated stop is reached, regardless of traffic delays. You must not use the emergency exits on any vehicle except in a genuine emergency. Passenger conduct at bus stops, interchange locations and bus terminals must follow the same guidelines as set out in Passenger Conduct Conditions. The Operator will apply all Conditions of Carriage equally across all network interfaces, locations, and instruments. Fare and ticketing conditions The Bahrain bus network uses both paper and smartcard ticketing. Passengers must use either a paper ticket for a single journey or ‘check in’ a smartcard with sufficient credit to enable a complete end to end journey on the bus network. Any ticket or smartcard used by a passenger must be valid for the whole of the journey and it is the passenger’s responsibility to ensure that their ticket or smartcard is valid for the journey being made. If you are not in possession of a valid ticket or smartcard charged with sufficient credit for your journey before boarding the vehicle you must; Pay the driver on entry and purchase the required ticket, or Board, recharge and ‘check in’ your smartcard using the on-board ticket vending machine You must let a member of staff or a police officer examine your ticket at any time during your journey if you are asked to do so. You are liable to prosecution if you do not hold a valid ticket, a validated (via check in) smartcard, promotional pass or other required documentation. Details of all standard fares will be published in the Operator’s fares and ticketing information material and this is available from any bus terminal or on the Operator’s website. When you complete the journey for which you have paid or the validity of your pass or other relevant documentation expires, you must leave the bus or pay a new fare to your intended destination. The Bahrain bus network uses a ‘check in’ process for its smartcard system. You may not break your journey when travelling on a single fare unless local publicity specifically advises that this is possible. There is a range of separate smartcard fares for single and multiple trip purchases. These fares often provide an advantage over paper tickets and are debited from the credit remaining on the smartcard when purchased by the passenger. There is no charge for up to 4 children under 5 years of age when travelling with another responsible passenger providing they do not occupy a seat to the exclusion of a fare paying passenger or are seated in a buggy in an appropriate space on the vehicle. Additional children will be charged as if they were aged 5 or over. Discount rates for children aged 5 or over vary and full details can be found in Operator’s fares and ticketing information material or the Operator’s website and proof of age will be required. In accordance with the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications the Operator provides a wide range of saver, multi-journey and seasonal based travel products. Full details of availability, price, validity and terms and conditions can be found in the Operator’s fares and ticketing information material or the Operator’s website. Young people aged under 16 and those people who, in the opinion of the driver, are vulnerable, at risk or in distress, and unable to pay their fare will be carried at all times providing their name and address can be given in order that the fare due may be collected at a later date together with any reasonable administrative costs. Senior citizens holding personalized Go-Cards are entitled to purchase discounted products at 50% of the full fare equivalent (excluding special offers and promotions). The personalized Go-Card for a senior citizen can be purchased from the company’s Retail Offices. These cards are not transferable. Full details can be found in the Operator’s fares and ticketing information material or on the Operator’s website. Proof of eligibility will be required. The company’s staff including drivers, inspectors and staff working at bus terminals reserve the right to inspect the cards and documents giving eligibility. Citizens with a disability holding the relevant documents issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Development holding personalized Go-Cards are entitled to free travel. The personalized Go-Card can be purchased from the company’s Retail Offices. These cards are not transferable. The company’s staff including drivers, inspectors and staff working at bus terminals reserve the right to inspect the cards and documents giving eligibility. Only Bahrain BD allowed to be used for the payment of cash single fares and the purchase of smartcard credit. Tickets are issued subject to these conditions and to any other relevant conditions published from time to time. All photocards and smartcards remain the Operator’s property and must not be intentionally damaged, altered or tampered with in any way. If a photocard or smartcard is damaged a charge may be placed to allow replacement. The Operator or one of its agents may withdraw or cancel your photocard or smartcard at any time. We will only do this for a good reason and if we do, we may give you a receipt. Our main ticket types and the rules controlling their use can be found in Operator’s fares and ticketing information material or the Operator’s website Fares apply to passenger categories and promotions available as detailed by the Operator in accordance with the Ministry and as advertised on all buses and at all terminals (including the Operator’s website). Fares are accurate at time of display If your ticket, smartcard (or photocard) is damaged to such an extent that any material marking is not clear it will not be accepted as valid. We may at our discretion replace your ticket, smartcard (or photocard) providing we can confirm that it is still valid, subject to an administration fee. Refunds are not made in respect of any lost, destroyed, replaced or damaged tickets or smartcards. Only in circumstances considered reasonable by the company will a refund for the non-use and final surrender of a ticket or smartcard be allowed. Such refund, if allowed, will be calculated from the date the ticket or smartcard is received by the Operator and subject to the period of non-use being not less than seven days. In such cases, the Operator reserves the right to make such administration charges as may be fixed from time to time. Fare and ticketing inspection conditions The Operator will employ a dedicated revenue protection officer team to enforce revenue collection and payment of fares by all passengers. Such representatives of the Operator will travel across the network and will be granted the power to immediately request sight of and validate each passenger’s ticket upon demand. As noted, it is the passenger’s responsibility to hold a valid ticket or validated (via check in) smartcard for each journey. Passengers should not attempt to use a ticket or smartcard which has; Been altered or defaced. Been issued for use by another person on terms that it is not transferable. Issued for an incorrect passenger class for which they do not conform. Expired Not been obtained by them from official outlets A passenger who is not in possession of a valid ticket or validated (via check in) smartcard or who cannot provide such proof of payment or authority to travel issued by the Operator’s representative, on the first occasion, be charged the standard fare for the full extent of the journey being taken from that point onwards. If the full fare charged is paid immediately to the Operator’s representative the passenger will be permitted to travel to their final destination and their details recorded as a first time transgression through the medium of an infringement notice. Failure to pay the standard fare immediately will be classed as a refusal to pay and the passenger will be issued a penalty fare notice by the Operator’s representative. Additionally, a second, and any subsequent occasion, where failure to hold a valid ticket or validated (via check in) smartcard is detected the same passenger will be deemed as making a direct refusal to pay. On these occasions the passenger will be immediately issued a penalty fare notice by the Operator’s representative and may face further prosecution. Refusal to pay the standard fare or to provide such proof of payment for a valid ticket, smartcard or authority to travel as was in their possession at the conclusion of the boarding transaction without good reason will result in a penalty fare notice of value BD 5 being issued. Immediate payment will be required for the penalty fare notice. The Operator’s representative will have the legal powers entitling them to board a vehicle whilst in service, inspect and validate (in the case of smartcards) a passenger’s right to travel. If an Operator’s representative suspects a passenger of contravening the rules they shall take passenger details. They may also remove the customer from the vehicle as part of the same clause. Each passenger removed from a vehicle by an Operator’s representative will be allowed to travel on the next service, after details have been obtained and upon payment of the standard fare. The Operator’s representative may use his discretion on allowing customers to continue their journey without payment, making sure any juvenile or person deemed vulnerable is not stranded. The Operator’s representative will exhaust all avenues when verifying details such as driving licence, other identity cards, letters or passports as well as fare system blacklist details held on the representative handheld device. The Operator’s representative will have in their possession the Operator’s fares and ticketing information, a network guide, and a set of conditions of carriage including a fines and penalties table. This may also be available electronically on the handheld device carried by all Operator representatives. The Operator’s representatives will be professional, fair and objective in the conduct of their duties. They will not let personal views about ethnicity, gender, or religion of the passenger play any part whatsoever in the consideration of any matter, nor will they be affected by improper or undue influence, including aggression or confrontation towards a passenger. Refusal to pay immediately on demand the standard fare to an Operator’s representative will result in the passenger being required to leave the vehicle immediately (or at the next stop where the vehicle is in motion) and the police may be called. On being issued a Statutory Penalty the passenger will be required to provide the Operator’s representative or the police with their full personal information, including but not limited to; full name, place of residence, contact number, employer, CPR number and passport number. The operator reserves the right to block or withdraw personalised Go-Cards that have been identified upon inspection as being used by another person not depicted in the photo on the Go-Card. The operator reserves the right to block or withdraw any Go-Card that has not been validated upon boarding the vehicle. Wheelchair, pushchair and bicycle carriage conditions We will make travel on all Bahrain bus services easier for everyone, and especially for passengers with special needs, including those with disabilities or with young children or pushchairs. All our vehicles have a low, step free access door which enables pushchairs to be wheeled straight on without being folded down (subject to available space) and easy access to a dedicated space for permitted wheelchair types. All passengers are required by law to ensure that the designated wheelchair space is made available if a passenger wishes to board with a wheelchair or, if no wheelchair user is travelling, an unfolded pushchair. All passengers are required to co-operate in allowing proper use of the designated wheelchair space by vacating this space if it is required by a wheelchair user. This includes the repositioning small prams, folding any buggies and storing them in the luggage space. Failure to comply with this requirement will comprise a breach of these Conditions of Carriage and may lead to further action against the passenger(s) in breach. The wheelchair space is suitable for a “standard reference wheelchair” which has a maximum width of 700mm, length of 1200mm and weight of no more than 350kg (combined weight of the chair and user). Electric wheelchairs must meet the same dimension and weight restrictions as manual wheelchairs, although batteries must be covered and in good condition. E-Scooters can be carried providing that they can be folded and the battery must be covered and in good condition. If the wheelchair space is occupied then unfortunately it will not be possible to allow a further wheelchair user to board. A maximum of two unfolded buggies are permitted on easy access vehicles, dependent on vehicle type, and providing they do not obstruct the gangway. Where a wheelchair user wishes to board a customer with a folding pushchair may be respectfully asked to fold it in order to accommodate the wheelchair; however the Company cannot reserve spaces or seats on any vehicles. Wheelchair users should place the rear of their wheelchair against the back-rest. Travelling forwards or sideways is not permitted. Wheelchair users are requested to apply the restraint system on the wheelchair and by using the seatbelt provided to ensure they are safely positioned. All vehicles are fitted with ramps to improve access and it is the driver’s duty to deploy this where it is safe to do so. There will be some stops where this will not be safe and the driver may have to stop further along the road. Similarly, there will be some stops where a wheelchair user may not be able to board due to inconsiderate parking or the road layout. All of our easy access vehicles have a kneeling system and if a disabled customer wishes to use it our driver will make it available, where it is safe to do so. If you would like information about easy access services please contact our Customer Care department who can help you plan your journey. Luggage and personal effects conditions For safety reasons, and for the comfort of all passengers, we have to control the amount and type of possessions you can bring onto our vehicles, although we do not charge for goods that are carried. On services operated by buses, we reserve the right, at the discretion of the driver, to refuse any large, unsuitable or awkward packages or an excessive amount of personal hand luggage. Folded pushchairs will be carried subject to space being available. Permitted luggage that passengers bring onto our vehicles is carried at the discretion of the driver or Operator representative though the following items will not be carried in any circumstances; Bicycles other than folding bicycles which are folded and fully enclosed in a suitable carrying bag E-Scooters which cannot be folded Combustible, hazardous and corrosive items Uncovered tins of paint or any other liquid Sheets of glass Any individual item of luggage (except suitcases) weighing in excess of 10 kg Accumulators and other types of lead/acid battery Unaccompanied luggage or parcels. Any item that is likely to cause injury or offence to our customers or to staff Any item that is likely to cause damage to our vehicles. Any item causing a smell causing an offence to other passengers, such as food. If passengers take any of the items listed above onto one of our vehicles, we will advise you and then remove the item(s) from the vehicle immediately on discovery, and leave them outside the vehicle, wherever they may be situated. If you have any doubts as to whether we will carry any particular item, you should obtain our verbal confirmation from the driver or other Operator representative before purchasing your ticket. If you take any prohibited items of luggage onto one of our vehicle or into an interchange location or bus terminal we shall not be liable for any loss or damage occurring to such items for any reason whatsoever. Passengers are liable for the cost of any cleaning or repairs required as a consequence of any spillage from articles they have taken onto the Operator’s buses. If cleaning or repair requires the bus to be withdrawn from service, the cost will include any revenue lost by the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications. You remain responsible for any items you bring. You may not be allowed to travel if, for example, the available space for carriage of luggage is already full or, if, in the opinion of the driver, your luggage or belongings will block gangways and access to emergency exits on the bus. The safety and security of your luggage is your responsibility. Passengers are liable for any death, injury, damage or loss caused to the Operator, our property, staff, agents or any other person caused by any luggage brought by a passenger on to our vehicles or premises, except where caused by the negligence of the Operator, its staff or agents. The Company will not be liable for any loss of or for any damage caused to luggage accompanying passengers except where caused by its negligence or that of its staff or agents. In the event of the Operator being so liable, such liability shall in respect of any one claim: Be limited to a maximum of BD 150 per passenger Exclude any jewellery, money or fragile object contained in the luggage Be based on the assessed value of the luggage If you find any lost property on our vehicles please tell the driver or an Operator representative as soon as possible and only when safe to do so. We will do all that we reasonably can to locate and return any property left on our premises or on one of our buses to its owner. Any passenger leaving property on a vehicle should report this to the Operator and give full details of the property and the journey on which it was lost. The Operator will not be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever arising of or to any property left in any vehicle or on any premises of the Operator, whether or not it has been found by or handed to a driver or other Operator representative. Where lost property is found or handed in to the Operator it will be retained for a period of one month, except perishable goods, which will not be kept for more than 48 hours. Any lost property which is or becomes objectionable may be destroyed at any time. If a passenger has not collected their lost property within 1 month of our receiving or finding it (excluding perishable goods), the Operator may dispose of the lost property in any manner it wishes, including by destruction or sale, and the Operator shall be entitled to keep any sale proceeds. If the lost property is contained in a package, bag or other container, we may open it and examine it in order to trace the owner or identify the nature and value of the lost property. Passengers may be asked to provide proof of identification and a precise description of the lost property they are claiming to ensure the claimant receives the correct item. Collection of any item of passenger lost property will be from one of our offices, previously agreed between the passenger and a member of staff, and only at the opening hours of 0600 to 2100 daily, hours and days subject to change from time to time. Animal conditions of carriage Assistance dogs for disabled customers, guide dogs, and hearing dogs are permitted to travel on all vehicles operating on the Bahrain bus network. No other animals can be brought onto our vehicles The Operator does not accept any liability howsoever caused for the loss, death or injury to animals whilst being conveyed, unless caused through negligence by the Operator or its representatives. Data protection conditions In any circumstances where we collect our passenger’s personal data, in connection with a retail transaction, a customer survey or other purpose, we will only collect and process your data in accordance with the law. General Terms and Conditions When you buy a ticket or smartcard to travel on a bus service operated by the Operator in the Kingdom of Bahrain you enter into an agreement with the Operator. Your ticket, the contract with us to carry you, and any carriage we provide to you shall be governed by the Kingdom of Bahrain law, and the courts of Bahrain shall have exclusive jurisdiction. The Conditions of Carriage apply to all services operated by the Operator and set out your rights and duties as a passenger. Each of the provisions of these General Conditions of Carriage shall be separate and severable. Should any provision be invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed from these Conditions of Carriage, and the remaining provisions of these Conditions of Carriage shall continue in full force and effect and be amended as far as possible to give valid effect to the intentions of the parties under the severed provision. These Conditions of Carriage, which may be amended from time to time, replace all previous versions publisher by the Operator. They come into force immediately and will remain in force until they are republished. None of our employees, agents, or representatives, has authority to alter, modify or waive any provision of these Conditions of Carriage or any Special Conditions. Unless otherwise stated in these General Conditions of Carriage, no person other than you and us shall have the benefit of or be entitled to rely upon or enforce any term of these Conditions of Carriage or any other term of the contract to carry you. Suggestions and comments Suggestions and comments from passengers are very welcome. Please send them or any complaint to our Customer Service team at the address displayed. If we cannot resolve a complaint, you can write to the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications. Customer Service Hotline Call: 66311111 WhatsApp: 66311112

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  • About Us | Bptc

    About BPTC BPTC is a private joint venture between leading UK-based international transport providers Mobico Group PLC and Bahrain-based Ahmed Mansoor Al-Aali (AMA ), the largest and longest-established contracting and construction group in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Mobico Group operates in the UK, Continental Europe, North Africa, North America and the Middle East and together we employ over 46,000 people and operate 28,000 vehicles. Passengers made nearly 1 billion journeys globally on our services in 2022. BPTC was appointed by the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications (MTT) under a 10-year concession in 2015 agreement to operate Bahrain’s new Public Transport Network in accordance with international standards and practices. Under the supervision and regulation of the MTT, BPTC is responsible for the operation of the entire public bus network as well as the provision of the upgraded buses, related equipment and passenger terminal infrastructure. The Company has made substantial investments in the new network largely driven by a three-pronged approach geared towards Safety, Connectivity and Technology. BPTC has employed a combination of internationally-acclaimed safety programs, intensive driver up-skilling schemes, a fleet of technologically advanced vehicles, to ensure the new public transport model offers the highest in safety and customer service standards - maximizing reach, connectivity, accessibility and delivering an enhanced travel experience. OUR COMMITMENT MISSION Our mission is to provide the public with a modern, reliable, high-quality public bus service operated in accordance with international standards that meets the transportation requirements of all sections of Bahrain’s society. VISION Our vision is to establish a practical and sustainable public transport model that can become a viable alternative for citizens and residents and is consistent with the Kingdom’s socio-economic development. STATE OF THE ART SAFETY The Company has made substantial investments in the new network largely driven by a three-pronged approach geared towards Safety, Connectivity and Technology. BPTC has employed a combination of internationally-acclaimed safety programs, intensive driver up-skilling schemes, a fleet of technologically advanced vehicles, to ensure the new public transport model offers the highest in safety and customer service standards - maximizing reach, connectivity, accessibility and delivering an enhanced travel experience.

  • Advertising | Bptc

    Advertisements Looking to take your advertising to the next level? Bahrain Bus lets you display your brands, offers and features on our buses. For more information: Call 66311111 WhatsApp 66311112 Email



  • Lost Property | Bptc

    Lost or Found Something? Let us know If you lose an item on one of our buses, contact us by: Visiting one of our offices in Manama, Muharraq or Isa Town Call 66311111 WhatsApp 66311112 Email If you have found an item on one of our buses or terminals, please hand it over to a staff member and we will do our best to contact the rightful owner. WRITE TO US CALL US Phone Whatsapp 6631 1111 6631 1112 VISIT US Isa Town Manama Muharraq Retail office opening hours 0600 - 2100 Terminals are open Sun-Wed 0500-0000 Thu-Sat 0500-0100



  • 12 | Bptc

    12 Manama - Dragon City via Muharraq - Busaiteen - Samaheej - Qalali - Amwaj Island *To view live bus departures, press the bus stop icon then select the link in the left pane

  • faq-timetables | Bptc

    FAQ - Timetables & Maps

  • X6A | Bptc

    X6A Manama - Madinat Khalifa via Salmaniya - Nabih Saleh - LMRA - Sitra - ALBA Flyover - Ras Zuwayed *To view live bus departures, press the bus stop icon then select the link in the left pane

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